Jun 2024

Boréal and Simpulse demonstrated a video link from a drone 110 km away

an HD video link was established over a distance of 110km with a Boréal drone equipped with an SL200 Simpulse modem with 0.6W radio power

April 2022

Boreal designs and manufactures remotely piloted aircraft (UAV) systems. Its long-range fixed-wing drones are designed to perform BVLOS missions requiring high endurance.

Equipped with a two-way Simpulse radio link, these drones once again demonstrated their ability in long-distance missions. While a Boréal team was operating the drone at its testing ground near Toulouse, another team had placed a GRS-T200 Simpulse tracking antenna 110km on top of the Pic du Midi (2877m altitude) to receivethe video coming from the drone optronic camera.

The Boreal and Simpulse teams successfully demonstrated the transmission of the real-time video stream carried out without interruption at its maximum rate (4.3 Mbps) throughout the 2 hours of flight.  

Read the press release

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