Key features

  • Transmission Range over 100 km (HD video)
  • Mesh networking
  • Anti-jamming
  • High security
  • Unrivaled sensitivity
  • Powerful Analysis tool
  • Keeps a control link under extreme conditions
  • Excellent robustness
  • Compact
  • Flexibility of adaptation
  • Multiple logical links
  • Low electromagnetic footprint


The SL300 is built around proprietary software-defined radio (SDR) technology that offers high sensitivity and robust synchronization in mobile environments, even under low signal-to-noise conditions. Simpulse's advanced signal processing core manages Doppler effect, interferences and multipaths. Sophisticated measurements optimize the link in real conditions, a robust control link is maintained beyond the nominal distance range. Following the successful deployment of the SL200 modem in long-range aerial and terrestrial applications, the SL300 further offers more bandwidth, more power and key features such as mesh networking and effective anti-jamming. Available soon.

Targeted applications

SL300 mobile data link modem is the ideal solution for Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Robots and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV), long-range wireless video and telemetry, critical and secure applications.


The SL300 radio modem comes in a compact aluminum housing. Available in 2 versions: one with heat sink and fan, the other, thinner, without heat sink or fan, whose cooling must be taken into account during integration.


  • Data rate : from 10 kbps to 10 Mbps
  • Frequency : 2.3 - 2.5 GHz (standard)  other frequencies upon request
  • Weight : 130g (with fan), 97g slim version
  • Size : 60 x 55 x 36 mm (with fan)
  • Power supply : 9 to 14 V

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